Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is Comprehensive Skilled Care?
A: Comprehensive Skilled Care is a unique organization of SNF industry experts in clinical reimbursement, physical & occupational therapy, and speech therapy services created to bring a new level of synergy to the SNF reimbursement process. CS2 brings years of expertise and knowledge together to the benefit of our SNF clients in their daily quest to obtain accurate and optimal reimbursement
Q: Why was Comprehensive Skilled Care Created?
A: Due to massive regulatory change, operational gaps in the SNF reimbursement process have grown. By bringing the unique aspects associated with reimbursement together, SNFs can obtain the operational efficiency and expertise that their competition lacks.
Q: Does Comprehensive Skilled Care Provide Rehab Services?
A: Yes, we provide Physical, Occupational, and Speech Therapy Services as well as Rehab Management.
Q: Does Comprehensive Skilled Care Provide Reimbursement Consulting / Management?
A: Yes, Comprehensive Skilled Care brings the very best of reimbursement consulting and MDS coding & documentation expertise to our clients.
Q: Will Comprehensive Skilled Care work with Skilled Nursing Facilities in any State?
A: Yes
Q: Can Comprehensive Skilled Care help my SNF with Case Mix
A: Yes. SNFs in Case Mix states have even more reason to drive reimbursement. Since many states have unique variations in their CMI systems, our collective experience provides great value in helping to SNFs capture the most clinically appropriate & accurate case mix possible.
Q: Does Comprehensive Skilled care provide staffing?
A: Yes, we specialize in PT, OT, and SLP service as well as remote MDS coordinator services and MDS completion.
Q: What kind of Technology does Comprehensive Skilled Care Utilize?
A: CS2 utilizes cutting edge technology & have access to the most robust claims and reimbursement data in the country. Additionally, we have expertise in the software programs most commonly used by SNFs
Q: Can Comprehensive Skilled Care help my SNF with Quality Measures and 5 Star Rating?
A: Yes
Q: Can Comprehensive Skilled Care compare the performance of my SNF to my competitors and peers?
A: Yes, CS2 utilizes the most robust claims database & data mining software available to analyze data and identify opportunities to improve reimbursement performance.
Q: Can Comprehensive Skilled Care help my team keep up with regulatory changes related to MDS and reimbursement?
A: Our team of subject matter experts has access to the latest information from CMS and experience in teaching & training on the MDS
337 Crossways Park Dr
Woodbury NY 11797

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